Whatsapp Automation Using Python

Hii makkale! Today we gonna see about a simple python code with which automatic whatsapp message can be sent to any whatsapp number at the scheduled time!.

Ok doods let's dive into the project! 

Step 1: To carry out this task a python library named pywhatkit is used. To install this library in your machine jus type in the following code in your code editor pip install pywhatkit. 

Note : Make sure to install this library otherwise the following code doesn't work. 

Step 2 : Type the following code in your code editor.. 
Line 1 : import pywhatkit as pwt. 
This lines tells that pywhatkit can be called as pwt in the upcoming lines of code. It's not mandatory to use pwt, we can use any word instead of pwt. 

Eg: import pywhatkit as sethapayale , too works๐Ÿ˜œ. It's a kinda chella peyar (nickname) . But make sure this chella peyar  (nickname ) to be the same throughout the project. 

Line 2 : pwt.sendwhatmsg ("phone number with code'', '' message to be sent''," scheduled hour", "scheduled minute" ) 

In the above example, 
" Happy birthday da Vunakaga dhan thoongama iruken " is the message scheduled to send at 11:08pm (23,8) 

Step 3 : Don't worry in this step your work is to jus watch the output panel 

Your output panel ll show that.. Whatsapp web will be opened in so and so seconds and message ll be sent in so and so seconds! 

Output : 
As Said in last step whatsapp web ll b opened and message will be sent to desired number on the scheduled time that's all! 

You can also use this feature to wish your boyfriend / girlfriend on his /her birthday on time to avoid future disasters ๐Ÿ˜‚! Hope you guys and gals will learn something out of this post! 

See you all in other post bubye! Enjoy Coding! 


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