BMI Calculator using python

 Hello dudes! Long time no see.. Hope you are all doing great😃

After absconding for more than a month we came today to meet you all with a simple python program to calculate your own BMI (Body Mass Index)

FYI what is mean by Body Mass Index?

Body mass index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters (kg/m2).

[ If (You think == He might have stolen this definition of BMI from Wikipedia):

       You are wrong ]

 Hehe😁 actually i have stolen this definition from World Heath Organization

So the program is :

Explanation :

- Height (in cm) and Weight (in kg ) asked from user as inputs in runtime. Here both the variables are declared as float datatype ,which allows decimal values in input.

- Unit of height is converted from cm to m

- BMI formula with respect to height and weight is defined

-As per user input the calculated BMI value is compared with different conditions to give the state of the body as output . (This operation is done by if , elif and else condition statements).


Output :


In this case the user's height is "170cm" and weight is "60kg" . The calculated BMI value is "20.76kg/m2" .

Since this value lies between 18.5kg/m2 and 25kg/m2 , the output is "You are Healthy"


Thats all for today dudes . Hope you all found this useful.

 See you all with other set of codes until then bubye!!

 Enjoy Coding😉



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